Monday, June 6, 2011

Naked Syd

Well, it started with a hot day and a couple of cute little sun dresses. Then, due to a couple of back to back diaper massacres, we decided this was the best option. =)

More Susan G. Komen Photos......

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sydney's First Susan G. Komen

Michelle donated her pink ribbon.
She did really well! One little fuss over a wet diaper but that was it. I think she was really entertained by all the bright pink and crazy outfits everyone was wearing. Or maybe she was just happy to be at event where boob was the main topic! =) She loves boob! There were tons of people! Likely due to the 80 degree weather we are having. It was a lot of fun! Next year we're making Dad come and sport a "I like boobs" T-shirt. He doesn't know it yet. Shhhhhh...

Completely content in her car seat and ribbon.

First sunny hot summer day!

Sporting her chubby arms contently.

She's like her new outfit that has more colors than one person should be allowed to wear at one time.

Sydney's first use of her sun shelter.

She found it so comfy, she decided to take a snooze. She didn't even mind the ant crawling towards her or the bee flying above her head!

Content and cool in her first summer outfit.