Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Vancouver Olympics 2010 - Weekend #2

Still weekend #2 at the Olympics. Today we attended the Molson Canadian House of Hockey with Brent's stepsister's Megan and Nicole and their better halves Tom and Eric. It was nice to finally meet you Tom!

We had a wonderful time at the Olympics! Thank-you to all the wonderful volunteers. Vancouver put on a fantastic event. It was highly organize and prepared!
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Vancouver Olympics 2010 - Weekend #2

We attended the speed skating event - short track. Awesome! Sooo much fun! We went with Brent's brother-in-law Trever and Viking.
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Vancouver Olympics 2010 - Weekend #1

We had a blast and here are the photos to prove it!
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Christmas Eve

Brent, Dani and I at some little Greek restaurant in Marysville outside the Regal Cinema. We had our first gyros prior to viewing Avatar 3D (you didn't think these were our actual sunglasses did you!?!?!?). Avatar is fantastic! Our next stop was Grandma Hoffman's for good food and good company!
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